The ministry and activities of Doulos for Christ World Harvest are built around groups called Cell Groups— the basic foundation of a church life. Cell group, or sometimes called a “small group or life group”, is a small gathering of people who, through friendship, meet together to live out the vision and values of the church. The main purpose of the cell group is the development of personal growth of each member as being centered on the Word of God.

Members of the cell group normally meet once a week to pray, worship and learn together about the Word of God and the vision of the church. It also provides an avenue to supply every person’s needs which allows us to pastor each one.

There are two kinds of cell groups. Open Cell, which has the purpose of evangelism and connecting people to God. And a Leadership Cell, which focuses on growing the existing cells. In this, leaders are being raised up to reproduce leaders who are also caught by the vision. We fulfill the vision through the Government of 12 or G12 vision that has a goal to make every attendee be promoted to a cell member, a cell leader, a G12 leader and eventually a network leader.


The succeeding weeks after the decision to follow Christ is essential to support us in our new chapter – building up our Christian faith. Intentional and constant communication with every new believer weekly provides us, leaders, the opportunity to show our genuine care for them. LifeClass is an avenue where we can successfully guide new believers through the foundations for their growing faith.

LifeClass serves as an educational leadership and management training wherein students will learn more about the purpose of life and how they will be able to lead and manage themselves. Here, with the disciplines and habits being inculcated in their hearts and minds, they get to learn more about the heart of Christian leadership.


  • It is an experience where we get to know who God is. More than seeking His blessings, we seek His ways.
  • It is about completely removing the control of Satan over our lives and giving it all to God alone, being one hundred percent changed and receiving complete deliverance of the Lord.
  • It means offering ourselves and our lives wholly to God, being a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1).
  • It will instill the fear of the Lord in our hearts that will keep us from sinning(Exodus 20:20).

    The School of Leaders is part of the G12 ladder of success. This is where students can learn Christian leadership in a way that is practical and applicable and where their growth is being made intentional. It is a place wherein the genuine disciples of Jesus Christ are being trained and prepared to become leaders of leaders. The School of Leaders is not designed for the students to become theologians, rather it trains them to become effective in making disciples and implementing the vision to the area where God placed them- campuses, companies, family, and community.

    Divided into six levels with ten lessons and seminars each, the School of Leaders sends people to harvest the field to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). Each lesson is then divided into two parts—the Lesson and the Seminar—thus making sure that every student is being taught with the right strategies in winning souls and making disciples effectively. Through the School of Leaders, every student is empowered by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to bring this generation and the upcoming generations to Jesus.